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I have books for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Love isn't easy

Torment (Fallen, Book 2) - Lauren Kate

So let's keep going with the Fallen series. Torment I liked better than Fallen, because we met a lot more about this fallen angels world, and we met more about Luce... her feelings, thoughts, personality. We even find out that she has an important part in all this war that is happening. The only thing that annoys me is the fact that nothing is revealed, never... never.


But despite the frustration of knowing that there is something important and nothing is revealed, I enjoyed the story. The characters were entertaining, Miles and Shelby helped keep the story interesting. In particular the way that Miles began to fall in love with Luce, and like her to be vulnerable by the "abandonment" and secrets of Daniel opened the door for something to happen between them.


I also liked how Luce started to control the shadows, that she learned what they really were and how she found out things about her past lives and met people from that lives. That really kept me reading because kept things interesting, and finding out those secrets helped to build the story behind their relationship. I just wished Daniel could have been part of that, helped her as a couple to know more about their past.

And the end! The battle in Luce's backyard... how she travelled through the shadow, to where? Is time to find out... So I'll keep reading the series.


What did you think about this sequel? Are you excited about the movie?


Secrets around three strange women

The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel - Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman

Now is the turn of “The ocean at the end of the lane” by Neil Gaiman. To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. I read what was it about but didn’t know how it would work the fantasy/reality mix with the little boy’s story.


At the beginning I thought it would be really boring, because it started with a man talking about a funeral at his hometown, and then going to a farm where he used to play as a little bot and then an old woman that we started talking to. And I thought, this will be a boring story about a man telling how he used his imagination as a little boy and how cool it was. But guess what… It wasn’t like that.


It mixed reality elements with something like magic and adventures. There where parts that I really didn’t like, like when the father cheated with the baby sitter/monster and with a boy looking even if they didn’t know; it was disgusting. But in general, the story was good an interesting. But I thing what I liked the best was the epilogue, how he remembered Lettie and how he cared about her despite of the years, even if he didn’t remember what really happened when he was a boy, like someone changed his memories so he wouldn’t know about Lettie and her family’s true nature. The ending was emotional and satisfactory. In general it was a pretty good book, I liked it.


Now is your turn, have your read this book? What did you think about it?


The heart is what keep us going

If I Stay - Gayle Forman

If you want to read a book that seizes your heart, this is the right choice for you. It has the ability to cause a lot of feelings, like love, happiness, anger, sadness… Gayle Forman makes sure you have a connection to Mia, the protagonist of the story.


I decided to read this book because I watched the trailer, and when it said it was based on a novel… well, I couldn’t resist. And I’m glad I didn’t, because I really enjoyed this book. Is really short, and easy to read, but so beautiful.


It is about this 17 year old cello prodigy that has an accident with her family and she is the only survivor. While she is in a coma, her spirit roams the hospital and she gets to see her family, friends and boyfriend, and how they are dealing with this situation. That’s when she realizes that it is in her power to make the decision to leave or return your body to continue living despite having lost his family.


So the book is written like this: each chapter is divided in two, the first part is about what is happening in the present in the hospital. And the second is about something that happened in the past with her family and friends, and that way, you get to know why they are so important to her, that way you create a connection with the characters and you get to understand their feelings… their love, their pain… everything.


I really recommend this book, like I said, short and is easy to read and really enjoyable.

Now tell me, have you read this book? Are you gonna watch the movie?


Love across time

Fallen - Lauren Kate

Ok… Fallen by Lauren Kate. When I decided to read this book I had no idea what was it about, I just wanted to read it because I found out a movie based on this book will come out, so I had to. I just had a little voice telling me that because of the name, this could be about fallen angels, and I’m glad I was right. Don’t know why, everything about angels, fallen angels, nephilims and all that captures my attention. I love how they love in this stories, so pure, so intense… I’m obsessed.


So, let’s start talking about this book. At the beginning it was a little confusing, because it started with a strange situation on the late 1800’s, that hasn’t possible to understand. Then, the first chapters, starts with Luce going to this reformatory because apparently she killed someone but she didn’t and she doesn’t know what really happened so the police thinks she is guilty and crazy because she talks about this shadows. You see? really confusing…


Then Luce meets this weird girl called Arriane… At the beginning I didn’t trust her, I was pretty sure that she was going to get Luce into trouble. So when Luce met Penn I thought “good, take her away from Arianne”. But it turned out that both of them where pretty good friends. Then Cam… oh God! that one I didn’t like since the beginning… No guy is that good and perfect to a girl that he doesn’t know without bad intentions.


Then… the strange attraction that Luce felt for Daniel… But I’m pretty sure we all knew that it wasn’t that strange, that it had something to do with the fact that Daniel is an angel… ok, maybe that sounds a little strange, but we love it. But I don’t know what wrong with us women! Why are we always attracted to the bad boy… not that Daniel was bad, but he tried to pretend to be bad, that he didn’t care about Luce, and still she preferred him over Cam… of course we know that at the end that was the right decision, but the bad guy… why? I don’t get it.


I still remember when Daniel attacked Cam in the library because he kissed Luce, that was the moment that made clear that Daniel was really in love with her. And after that, everything changed… they start to fall for each other even harder, and so did we :p

What I didn’t expect, was miss Sophie knowing so much about the fallen angels, and then being in their team, and then betraying them and killing Penn. That, oh god, that broke my heart. She was a good friend, and a mortal, that had nothing to do with the war, and she died because she was a good friend to Luce and couldn’t abandon her when things started to get dangerous.


What I din’t get was the ending, the fact that Cam and Daniel where talking in the cabin where Luce was hidden. I thought they were hiding her from Cam and all the bad ones, I don’t know… it confuses me. So definitely gonna finish this series, I have to know what happens!


Now, the questions part… Have you read this book? The entire series? What are your opinions?


A little Panic

Panic - Lauren Oliver

Ok… let’s talk about Panic… Actually don’t know how to start this review, because I don’t know if I liked it or if I didn’t or if my mind is divided. So let’s start first with the things I liked….


First of all, I liked the characters, they were all so different but at the same time very interesting. But what I liked the most of them was the relationship between Heather and Bishop… The fact that they were denying what they felt for each other made me excited expecting for their first kiss… And when it finally happened I loved it!


I also liked the game. Each challenge was really unexpected, specially the Russian Roulette and the Tiger cage… It made my heart beat faster because I really didn’t know what would happen. Even in the part where they had to cross the highway… I thought someone would be hit, but I’m glad that did not happen. And of course, I’m so happy that Heather won… I wasn’t sure who would win the pot… Her or Dodge.


Something else I like was the fact that Bishop was a judge and that he was trying to protect Heather. I had my suspects about him being a judge since the beginning, so I was looking for clues  or any indication that could prove that. So when he finally told Dodge the truth, I felt relief. That’s when I knew what he was trying to confess Heather after their kiss.


Now, what I didn’t like… Overall I liked the story and the plot, but I though the book would revolve a little more around the game. So when inquired much in the lives of the characters I got bored. I wanted more challenges or anything related to them so that the book would have really been about Panic.


I think thats it… Now tell me, have you read Panic? What did you think about the book?



A boring art history class

Inferno - Dan Brown

Ok… Dan Brown and Inferno… Honestly, I read this book until now because I had a bad experience with The Lost Symbol, as this book seemed long, boring and some chapters where completely irrelevant to the story. For this reason my head refused to start reading Inferno, and he wanted to avoid another boring experience.


But what I can say about Inferno? Well, it was not as bad as The Lost Symbol, but it was not a work of art. The plot was entertaining, and having to piece together the memories of Robert Langdon was a good way to the make reader interact with the story. But sometimes it was too boring that this book seemed more like a tour guide than a novel. I understand that Mister Brown wanted to get the reader to imagine exactly the scenery, but if someone who has never visited those places, such additional information overwhelms. For this every time I started a chapter began to narrate for a page or two a place, I preferred to skip to the part where the action began.


What seemed to me somewhat exaggerated (more than usual) was the fact that the hospital and doctors where Langdon awoke it was all an act. And then sent the same doctor who treated him to represent another doctor to continue cheating and Sienna was part of the act but ultimately cheated to achieve her goal, which was nothing that similiar to what we imagined. Do not misunderstand, I like the surprise, but not if it turns out to be a cheap trick to give something that the reader can not imagine. 


And the end, the fact that the virus is already global, dispersed and everything else … and then what? It is the second book that Dan Brown left incomplete, or so it seems. I’m not saying they should have find a cure, but at least in the epilogue to move a few months later, not a day, those were a couple of pages that left nothing to the story. I don’t know … I liked the plot, but eventually became long and tedious, and not worth it for the end to read.


Now you tell me, have you read this book? What did you thing about it?


Taking chances before death does

Grave Mercy - Robin LaFevers

So… Grave Mercy. This really is my kind of book. I am obsessed with two opposites , historical facts and fantasy; and this book combines both. That’s why it took me so long to read it,  because I needed to investigate the character and historical events and see if they were real or not. And I loved that.


The characters were interesting, both in the way they act and the way you think and feel. Especially Ismae skills, although very superficially explained, intrigued me and I like they guided her in her mission. Especially at the end when she was able to see her father, who revealed her true purpose in life.


I also liked the way that love grew between Ismae and Duval. I liked that it was not love at first sight, it took time to find what really unites them. It is a connection that grows together with respect and admiration. The relationship grew so slowly and mysterious that by the end, I did not know whether to trust or not Duval. Developed so well that every word and every touch I felt nervous Ismae.


I loved the plot, as LaFevers managed to mix historical facts with fantasy that well. As she gave life to the characters, giving them their own personalities and roles in the plot against the Duchess. Everything fit perfectly, even the end managed to leave a satisfying feeling, all ended well, not perfect because we know that things work, but it ended pretty well.

Now is your turn, have you read this book? Should I real the other two?


Being different is good

The Giver  - Lois Lowry

Just finished reading The Giver… the reason why I read until today is because I heard that there’s a movie about this book coming this year,  and Meryl Streep will be in it, so it was a must. 


I can say in general terms that I liked the book and the story, was very well written and it was very easy to read. Although I must admit that the feelings it generated in me were not my favorites. This prohibition of individualism killed me, and worse, is that people did not know what they were missing.


I like the ability we have to be different, and I like to be different. Not that I go dressed in a peculiar way, or that I wear glitter in every inch of my body, or that I go jumping down the street…. I’m just different, I have unique tastes, different ideas and thoughts that fill me with pleasure. It helps me to be curious and makes me want to learn new things and understand why other people like something or think a certain way.


So I understand why Jonas left his community, I would have done the same. After discovering all that he is missing, not only the individualism, but the ability to have intense feelings, which are what give meaning to life, to everything we do. So I can say that I really liked that character, despite having 12 to 13 years ( with the mind of a teenager of 17). I saw a lot of him in me, and maybe that’s why I got so into the story and shared lots of feelings.


So I conclude that I like living in the present, in this society … I know it has many flaws that can be improved, but that’s part of the history of mankind… make several mistakes, but always have ideals that move us every da . So I am grateful every day that I live where I have the ability to live for myself and the people I love most .


Two words: “Mind Blowing”

Crown of Midnight - Sarah J. Maas

Ok… Crown of midnight.. 


After reading Throne of Glass I really thought the second book couldn’t be any better… well, I was wrong! So many things that I didn’t expected happened in this book, amazing things, mind blowing things… And they never stopped.. I really really enjoyed this book.

The only thing that I hated is that I though the third book was coming out next month… but noooooo… I have to wait until september… and that’s not all… I thought it was a trilogy, and I just found out is a series of 6 books! Wait! What?! I have to wait 4 years to finish this story… I can’t believe it… 


Well, at least is worth it… I only hope for one thing… I want Celaena to end up with Dorian… please… they’re so alike and she is blind because she is running away from being a princes/queen and all that… and not because she hates that kingdom… oh no! If you read this book you know why ;)


Now, tell me what did you think about this book… Are you Team Dorian or Team Chaol?


In a not to faraway land

Pandemonium  - Lauren Oliver

Like I said… I continued reading the Delirium Trilogy, and I’m glad I did. Pandemonium I think it was better than Delirium, it was also a little slow but every chapter had something interesting that kept me reading. I loved the fact that the book was divided in past and present, and the way they complemented each other. It explained everything so well and smoothly that everything was so clear.


Now… lets talk about Julian. At the beginning I didn’t like him… I hated how close minded we has, specially after Lena told him that she haven’t been cured. Then, he made me feel awkward, the way he watched Lena while she was cleaning herself, or while she was sleeping and all that. But then…. I loved, how he starts falling for her, how he starts worrying, taking care of her, comforting her, and all that. And after he was caught, how he refused to get cured; my heart melted at that moment… He only disappointed me when he told Lena that he didn’t knew if she would return for him. Come on! have a little faith man!

Now lets skip Raven and Tack’s lie, because we all know we hated them, that it was awful, but after they helped Lena rescue Julian we all forgave the. So, because of that, lets talk about missing people who decided to show up. First Lena’s mom… it what obvious that whey Miss Oliver mentioned that the woman kept calling Lena by her name, and that she had a number, it was obvious who she was. I least for me… but those ironies, so close and so far. But at least she is a step closer to find her.


Now what we all want to talk about… the walking (not) dead, Alex. At the beginning I didn’t imagined that, but honestly, I was happy about Lena and Julian’s relationship… so this is bad, so bad for my heart. I don’t know who I want.. I mean… I don’t know what Lena wants… Requiem is going to be a book full of emotions… and what kills me is knowing that someone is gonna end with a broken heart.. or dead.. 


Now tell me, have you read Pandemonium? What do you think? What did you like and what didn’t you like?


Hope is the last thing you loose

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

Just finished reading The Fault in Our Stars… and all I can say is it was “a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend.”


I truly loved it… at the beginning I though it would be a book full of tragedy, tears and pessimism. And I thought that because I have a sister that once had cancer and a grandfather who died from cancer, and that process usually is full of sadness. But this book was a good surprise… 


It made me laugh so hard, made me fall in love, cry, philosophise, made me remember, made me happy and made me sad. It was perfect, because it touch my heart and made me remember that no matter how many books I read about adventures, fantasy, heroes and heroines that no matter what they overcome any difficulties; the truth is that I’m only human, and is part of life, part of being human is to appreciate little things, even bad things, to to be able to recognize happiness and adopt it as part of life.


This taught me, or reminded me, that happiness is a choice. That if I love life, I have the to accept bad thing as part of life. As simple of that. If I love being alive, have experiences, laugh, fall in love, be successful and everything else I dream of, I have to take it with the bad things too.. in the best possible way.


I won’t give andy detail or spoilers about this book. Just gonna say that Hazel and Gus characters were perfect… together and apart. But besides that, I don’t think I need to say something else. The story was really good, but the message it was for each reader, is even better.


Now tell me, have you read this book? What message did you get from the book?


In a land without love, love finds its way

Delirium - Lauren Oliver

Well, I just finished reading Delirium , and I can say it was a good book …. well … there were a couple of good chapters at the end.


I’m not saying that was a bad book , the plot is very good, the way it explains and convinces you that love is a disease is very well done because I managed to find some logic. But it all happened sooooo slow … There were occasions where I skipped a few paragraphs because it really did not contribute much to the writing. But despite all that I really enjoyed the last chapters … so I can imagine that the following books have a more exciting plot, so yes, I plan to finish the trilogy.


I like the couple who are Lena and Alex, they are funny, honest, adventurous, sacrifice for one another. The way Lena was able to realize that love is not a disease, but it is what gives value to life I found it very interesting because she grew up with the idea that love was something wrong, that was that had killed her mother (although if you read the book you know it was not). I enjoyed that kind of transformation.


About her relationship with Hana … well, I don’t really trust her. At first I liked her a lot, but then I saw that although she loved Lena she was pretty selfish. And I’m 99% sure it was her who betrayed Lena and Alex and for that reason the were pursued. So in the end it was her fault what happened to Alex. So Hana … no thanks … I don’t want as a friend.

Now tell me … who thought of this book? I think the same or have other opinions?